import { Mesh } from "../../geometry/Mesh.js"; import { Component } from "../Component.js"; import { Entity } from "../Entity.js"; export class MeshComponent extends Component { private _mesh: Mesh; private constructor(entity: Entity, mesh: Mesh) { super(entity); this._mesh = mesh; } draw() { this._mesh.draw(this.entity); } /** * @private * @param mesh * @returns a Mesh component */ static _create(entity: Entity, mesh: Mesh) { return new MeshComponent(entity, mesh); } }
EntityクラスにMesh Compoentを扱うための記述を加えます。
import { MeshComponent } from "./components/MeshComponent.js"; // 追記 import { SceneGraphComponent } from "./components/SceneGraphComponent.js"; import { TransformComponent } from "./components/TransformComponent.js"; import type { Mesh } from "../geometry/Mesh.js"; // 追記 export class Entity { private _name: string; private _id: number; private static _entities: Entity[] = []; private _transform: TransformComponent; private _sceneGraph: SceneGraphComponent; private _mesh?: MeshComponent; // 追記 private constructor(id: number) { this._id = id; this._name = "Entity_" + id; this._transform = TransformComponent._create(this); this._sceneGraph = SceneGraphComponent._create(this); } getId() { return this._id; } getName() { return this._name.concat(); } setName(name: string) { this._name = name; } addMesh(mesh: Mesh) { // 追記 this._mesh = MeshComponent._create(this, mesh); } getTransform(): TransformComponent { return this._transform; } getSceneGraph(): SceneGraphComponent { return this._sceneGraph; } getMesh(): MeshComponent | undefined { return this._mesh; } static create(): Entity { const entity = new Entity(this._entities.length); this._entities.push(entity); return entity; } static get(id: number): Entity | undefined { if (id < 0 || id >= this._entities.length) { return undefined; } return this._entities[id]; } static getAllMeshEntities(): Entity[] { // 追記 return this._entities.filter(entity => entity.getMesh() !== undefined); } static reset() { this._entities = []; } }
... static async import(uri: string, context: Context): Promise<Entity[]> { let response: Response; try { response = await fetch(uri); } catch (err) { console.log('glTF2 load error.', err); }; const arrayBuffer = await response!.arrayBuffer(); const gotText = this._arrayBufferToString(arrayBuffer); const json = JSON.parse(gotText) as Gltf2 const arrayBufferBin = await this._loadBin(json, uri); const meshes = this._loadMesh(arrayBufferBin, json, context); const entities = this._loadNode(json, meshes); return entities; } ... private static _loadNode(json: Gltf2, meshes: Mesh[]) { const entities: Entity[] = []; for (let node of json.nodes) { const entity = Entity.create(); entities.push(entity); // transform if (node.matrix != null) { const v = node.matrix; entity.getTransform().setLocalMatrix(new Matrix4( v[0], v[4], v[8], v[12], v[1], v[5], v[9], v[13], v[2], v[6], v[10], v[14], v[3], v[7], v[11], v[15] )); } else { if (node.translation != null) { const v = node.translation; entity.getTransform().setLocalPosition(new Vector3(v[0], v[1], v[2])); } if (node.rotation != null) { const v = node.rotation; entity.getTransform().setLocalRotation(new Quaternion(v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3])); } if (node.scale != null) { const v = node.scale; entity.getTransform().setLocalScale(new Vector3(v[0], v[1], v[2])); } } // mesh if (node.mesh != null) { const mesh = meshes[node.mesh]; entity.addMesh(mesh); } } // make hierarchy for (let nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < json.nodes.length; nodeIndex++) { const node = json.nodes[nodeIndex]; if (node.children != null) { const parent = entities[nodeIndex]; for (let childIndex of node.children) { const child = entities[childIndex]; parent.getSceneGraph().addChild(child.getSceneGraph()); } } } ...
// Gltf2Importer.ts export class Gltf2Importer { private static readonly vertexShaderStr = ` precision highp float; attribute vec3 a_position; attribute vec4 a_color; varying vec4 v_color; uniform mat4 u_worldMatrix; // 追記 void main(void) { gl_Position = u_worldMatrix * vec4(a_position, 1.0); // 変更 v_color = a_color; } `;
private static _loadNode(json: Gltf2, meshes: Mesh[]) { const entities: Entity[] = []; for (let node of json.nodes) { const entity = Entity.create(); entities.push(entity); // transform if (node.matrix != null) { const v = node.matrix; entity.getTransform().setLocalMatrix(new Matrix4( v[0], v[4], v[8], v[12], v[1], v[5], v[9], v[13], v[2], v[6], v[10], v[14], v[3], v[7], v[11], v[15] )); } else { if (node.translation != null) { const v = node.translation; entity.getTransform().setLocalPosition(new Vector3(v[0], v[1], v[2])); } if (node.rotation != null) { const v = node.rotation; entity.getTransform().setLocalRotation(new Quaternion(v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3])); } if (node.scale != null) { const v = node.scale; entity.getTransform().setLocalScale(new Vector3(v[0], v[1], v[2])); } } // mesh if (node.mesh != null) { const mesh = meshes[node.mesh]; entity.addMesh(mesh); } } // make hierarchy for (let nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < json.nodes.length; nodeIndex++) { const node = json.nodes[nodeIndex]; if (node.children != null) { const parent = entities[nodeIndex]; for (let childIndex of node.children) { const child = entities[childIndex]; parent.getSceneGraph().addChild(child.getSceneGraph()); } } } return entities; }
glTF-Sample-ModelsをGit Submodule導入
そろそろ別のglTFモデルを表示したいのですが、ちょうど良いリポジトリがあります。KhronosグループのglTF-Sample-Models です。
これをgit submoduleとして追加しておきました。詳しくはGit履歴 をご覧ください。
徐々にライブラリらしくなってきました。ここまでの作業はリポジトリのこちら からご覧いただけます。