// Mesh.ts export type VertexAttributeSet = { position: number[] | Float32Array, // <-変更 color?: number[] | Float32Array, // <-変更 normal?: number[] | Float32Array, // <-変更 texcoord?: number[] | Float32Array, // <-変更 indices?: number[] | Uint16Array // <-変更 }
private _setupVertexBuffer(_array: number[] | Float32Array, defaultArray: number[]) { // <-変更 let array = _array; if (array == null) { array = []; for (let i=0; i<this._vertexNumber; i++) { array = array.concat(defaultArray); } } const gl =; const buffer = gl.createBuffer() as WebGLBuffer; gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer); const typedArray = (array.constructor === Float32Array) ? array as Float32Array : new Float32Array(array); // <-追加 gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, typedArray, gl.STATIC_DRAW); // <-変更 return buffer; } private _setupIndexBuffer(indicesArray: number[] | Uint16Array) { // <-変更 const gl =; const buffer = gl.createBuffer() as WebGLBuffer; gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer); const typedArray = (indicesArray.constructor === Uint16Array) ? indicesArray as Uint16Array : new Uint16Array(indicesArray); // <-追加 gl.bufferData(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, typedArray, gl.STATIC_DRAW); // <-変更 return buffer; }
// Gltf2Importer.ts async import(uri: string, context: Context, material: Material) { // <-変更 let response: Response; try { response = await fetch(uri); } catch (err) { console.log('glTF2 load error.', err); }; const arrayBuffer = await response!.arrayBuffer(); const gotText = this._arrayBufferToString(arrayBuffer); const json = JSON.parse(gotText) as Gltf2 const arrayBufferBin = await this._loadBin(json, uri); const meshes = this._loadMesh(arrayBufferBin, json, context, material); // <-変更 return meshes; // <-追加 } ... private _loadMesh(arrayBufferBin: ArrayBuffer, json: Gltf2, context: Context, material: Material) { const meshes: Mesh[] = [] for (let mesh of json.meshes) { const primitive = mesh.primitives[0]; const attributes = primitive.attributes; const positionAccessor = json.accessors[attributes.POSITION] as Gltf2Accessor; const positionBufferView = json.bufferViews[positionAccessor.bufferView!] as Gltf2BufferView; const byteOffsetOfBufferView = positionBufferView.byteOffset!; const byteOffsetOfAccessor = positionAccessor.byteOffset!; const byteOffset = byteOffsetOfBufferView + byteOffsetOfAccessor; const positionComponentBytes = this._componentBytes(positionAccessor.componentType); const positionComponentNum = this._componentNum(positionAccessor.type); const count = positionAccessor.count; const typedArrayComponentCount = positionComponentNum * count; const positionTypedArrayClass = this._componentTypedArray(positionAccessor.componentType); const positionTypedArray = new positionTypedArrayClass(arrayBufferBin, byteOffset, typedArrayComponentCount) as Float32Array; const vertexData: VertexAttributeSet = { // <-追加 position: positionTypedArray // <-追加 } // <-追加 const libMesh = new Mesh(material, context, vertexData); // <-追加 meshes.push(libMesh); // <-追加 } return meshes; // <-追加 }
// main.ts import Spinel from '../dist/index.js' const vertexShaderStr = ` precision highp float; attribute vec3 a_position; attribute vec4 a_color; varying vec4 v_color; void main(void) { gl_Position = vec4(a_position, 1.0); v_color = a_color; } `; const fragmentShaderStr = ` precision highp float; varying vec4 v_color; void main(void) { gl_FragColor = v_color; } `; async function main() { const canvas = document.getElementById('world') as HTMLCanvasElement; const context = new Spinel.Context(canvas); const material = new Spinel.Material(context, vertexShaderStr, fragmentShaderStr); const glTF2Importer = Spinel.Gltf2Importer.getInstance(); const meshes = await glTF2Importer.import('../assets/gltf/BoxAnimated/glTF/BoxAnimated.gltf', context, material); const gl =; gl.clearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); gl.enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST); gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); for (let mesh of meshes) { mesh.draw(); } } main();
読み込んでいるサンプルのglTFファイルは、こういう感じ (リンク先のスクリーンショットのGifアニメ参照)のデータです。大小2つのキューブがあり、そのうちの少し小さい1つがアニメーションして、下の大きめのキューブに出たり入ったりします。
// Gltf2Importer.ts private _loadMesh(arrayBufferBin: ArrayBuffer, json: Gltf2, context: Context, material: Material) { const meshes: Mesh[] = [] for (let mesh of json.meshes) { const primitive = mesh.primitives[0]; const attributes = primitive.attributes; const positionTypedArray = this.getAttribute(json, attributes.POSITION, arrayBufferBin); let colorTypedArray: Float32Array; if (attributes.COLOR_0) { colorTypedArray = this.getAttribute(json, attributes.COLOR_0, arrayBufferBin); } const vertexData: VertexAttributeSet = { position: positionTypedArray, color: colorTypedArray! } const libMesh = new Mesh(material, context, vertexData); meshes.push(libMesh); } return meshes; } private getAttribute(json: Gltf2, attributeIndex: number, arrayBufferBin: ArrayBuffer) { const accessor = json.accessors[attributeIndex] as Gltf2Accessor; const bufferView = json.bufferViews[accessor.bufferView!] as Gltf2BufferView; const byteOffsetOfBufferView = bufferView.byteOffset!; const byteOffsetOfAccessor = accessor.byteOffset!; const byteOffset = byteOffsetOfBufferView + byteOffsetOfAccessor; const componentBytes = this._componentBytes(accessor.componentType); const componentNum = this._componentNum(accessor.type); const count = accessor.count; const typedArrayComponentCount = componentNum * count; const typedArrayClass = this._componentTypedArray(accessor.componentType); const typedArray = new typedArrayClass(arrayBufferBin, byteOffset, typedArrayComponentCount) as Float32Array; return typedArray; }
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